

职场词典 zhichang.cidiancn.com

阅读: 445

  Typically, perfomance appraisal has been limited to a feedback process between employees and supervisors. However, with the increased focus on teamwork, employee development and customer service, the emphasis has shifted to employee feedback from the full circle of sources. This multiple -input approach to performance feedback is`sometimes called 360-degree assessment to connote that full circle.

  There are no prohibition in law or regulation against using a variety of rating sources. in addition to the employee's supervisor, for assessing performance. Research has shown, assessment approaches with multiple rating sources provide more accurate, reliable and credible information. For this reason, the US Office of Personnel Management supports the use of multiple rating sources as an effective method of assessing performance for formal appraisal and other evaluative and developmental purposes. The 360-degree feedback process has become persuasive in management and human resource development practices. Reported statistics on the 360-degree use suggest that it has gone from almost unheard of in 1980s to widespread use in 2000.





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