

职场词典 zhichang.cidiancn.com

阅读: 402

  About your language abilities

  A: What foreign languages can you speak?

  B: I can only speak English as far as foreign languages are concerned.

  A: Which band of College English Test have you passed?

  B: Band Four (Six).

  A: Do you think you''re proficient in both written and spoken English?

  B: Yes, I think I''m quite proficient in both written and spoken English.

  A: One of the most important things for this job is English progiciency. Can you use English freely?

  B: Yes, I think so. I can communicate with foreigners easily. They say my English is quite good.

  A: Can you speak Cantonese?

  B: Yes, I can. Although I come from Hunan Province, I''ve gained mastery of Cantonese since I''ve been living in Guangdong for ten years.


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